Speedrun.com allows users (mostly geared towards speedrunners themselves) easily look up the top times of their favorite games and see how the current meta is progressing

It contains easy submissions for your own runs, and provides clear, concise instructions for both submitting and keeping your runs legal

If you are new to speedrunning, it's a great place to find the popular speedrunners, or even beginners like you with the social links on all the players with accepted runs.

While the site is very helpful, I think there are a few things they could use to improve it overall:

  1. Link Heavy - The website (while easy to understand) relies very much on links with no styles added to them, making everything feel very narrow and trail-like
  2. Secondary Platform Links - Underneath the games banner on the left, there are different platfrom links. However, they do not take you where a new user might expect. In fact, I still am not quite sure what it takes me too!
  3. Forums Tab - The tab is helpful, but also very crowded as a forum leads you to several threads. There is no clear way to navigate this and it has become very cluttered over the years. I am sure many users would like to see either stricter guidlines on what is able to be on a forum, or see some spring-cleaning every once in a while
  4. Cluttered Runs - There is no limit to how many runs are kept. Someone could post the worst time in the world, and still be appended to the bottom of the list. As someone paying attention to only the top times, I would rather they saved some data space and page space and only allowed a run to be submitted if it were in the top 50 times