Scripts of Darkness: The King of Shadows

Overview of the Project

I have been writing short stories and (wouldn't you know it) playing with Legos, inventing characters lives, for years upon years now. In the summer of 2013 I undertoook a major writing project. One with symmetry and connection like I had never done before. After chapter one, I realized that I was writing the aftermath of the story I really wanted to tell. Continuing on, I finished a 13 chapter book of over 45 pages (I tried to keep it short a summary like), which gave me an idea of how I needed to develop my characters, what the world looked like, and even how the history had been playing out over the years.

In the winter of 2015 I began writing the first chapter of my largest writing project, and finished my rough draft in the summer of 2016.

Unfortunately, at that point, my realization of real life and what was expected of me started kicking in, and I shelved the project for later. Knowing full well I may never come back to it. I pulled it off the shelf and began a first edit in the winter of 2018, and have not seen much progress due to a lack of outside motivational interest - at least until now. Having found a person who is willing to pursue the story as my first draft unfolds, giving insight to what all I am doing has rebooted the passion for writing, and I plan to finish the first draft by the fall of 2022.


Troubles plague the land of Saro like never before. But no matter how despereate things get, there always seems to be worse to come. And no matter how blatent the crimes, the actual perpetrator seems to always be yet further in the shadows. With a growing responsibility to his future people, the ruler of Qortan must find a way to win the trust of his people to unite them against a common enemy before he realizes that status is not always what it seems to be; and royalty does not always mean power. Two countries, amongst the many, under seige, two kings, amongst the many, with power, and two magicians, amongst the few, on the lose. Will the Scripts of Darkness fortell what even the darkest dreams dare not?

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