Valorant (at the hands of Centuryon)

What is Valorant?

Valorant is a tactical First Person Shooter (FPS) game. There are many different FPS games on the market right now, but they are not all tac-FPS. The two leading games in that category right now are CS:GO and Valorant. Tac-FPS are different in that as you shoot consecutively or move, your gun's accuracy get's increasingly worse. Rather than running helter-skelter you are required to play slower. In addition, health is a much smaller commodity in tactical FPS's, with one-shot kills being common - adding to the daring, difficulty, and suspense.

With 10+ agents, 4 abilities per agent, and 10+ guns to choose from based on the round, momentum, and credit value, there are so many creative scenarios players can create to outwit the oponents. Each agent has a designated role wherein they thrive, but are not limited to perforiming within. If you enjoy strategy and gaming, don't mind commiting 40min to a game, and work well in teams, you should definitely give it a try!

Current State of Things

Agents (Pick%) Maps (Map Rating)
Killjoy 32.2% Fracture 6/10
Viper 27.9% Breeze 9/10
Raze 35.2% Icebox 8/10
Brimstone 19.3% Bind 4/10
Sova 35.8% Haven 5/10
Astra 9.3% Split 7/10
Chamber 17.3% Ascent 5/10
Jett 65.0%
Skye 23.8%
Sage 72.9%
Reyna 72.7%
Breach 9.5%
Cypher 15.8%
Omen 31.0%
Phoenix 17.0%
Kay/O 9.9%
Yoru 8.9%

As expected, there are many more agents than maps, but obviously more maps are coming out, as well as agents - so both lists have plenty of room to grow! Some maps are the clear bad ones that nobody likes to play; and some of the agents are clearly not as well polished to compete with the rest of the other agents. But this comes with every game, so it would be a surprise not to see this on the list.

Where does the Centuryon Part come in?

I am glad you asked!

I have been playing Valorant ever since it's release to the public in 2020 under the tag name of Centuryon. This is my tag name because I stream on Twitch under the tag "Centuryon05" (straight "Centuryon" was already taken). I play as the controller characters who use smokes to give our team positional advantages. These include Omen, Astra, and Viper. However, I do dabble with other characters just because it's fun; I have come to like Chamber, Jett, Sova, and Jett

Over the year, I have gone from the bottom of board to one of the players in the top 10% of all valorant players - which is still a massive amount. I have competed on a team in tournaments and currently am just playing for fun and to have fun with my friends. Someday there may be a time when I go pro, but that is only if many things happen, both on my end and a ton on luck's end!